Oct 30, 2009

Facebook Password Reset Email Contains Trojan Virus

Digg it !!!

Here is a security alert for all Facebook users. Recently there is a trojan virus spreading through the internet as facebook password reset confirmation email. So all the Facebook users think deeply before changing your password in Facebook or clicking on any link in the Password Reset mail. Otherwise you may get into a great trouble...

If yoy click on the mail, your gmail and Facebook password is automatically resetted to another one and your gmail and facebook account is diabled and it shows wrong password every time you try to log in. Facebook team already confirms that the spoof email did not originate from the social networking site and they said that this virus is being distributed through email and they never send users a new password as an attachment.

Delhi-based cyber crime expert Vivek Vohra tells a daily, "Bredolab attaches a file that purports to contain a new password. That file is a Trojan horse that will download a host of nasty files from the Web."

There is only one thing to avoid the virus, and that is do not open a "Password Reset Confirmation E-mail" if you didn't request a password from Facebook.

For More details , Click here

Tags:- Latest Security issues, Internet security, Facebook virus, Fcaebook email virus, Facebook Password reset email virus, Facebook security, Trojan virus, Latest virus issues, Internet virus, email virus, Latest technology news, Internet tips, security tips, latest virus, Trojan virus in Facebook email.


Email Virus Removal said...

In most cases, the sender's address in the email you received is not where the mail arrived. On the other hand, is an email address found on infected computers in the same time as yours. So fail to respond to these email viruses and email saying this person that their computer is infected, because that person is probably innocent and have no problems with viruses.

Email Virus Removal said...

These emails are the result of another person opens the attachment itself. When you open one, may not seem like something is happening, but the attachment is a virus (in particular known as "worms") and start sending emails to others with the same commitment. This virus appears in your mailbox or in other parts of your computer for email addresses and send emails to and from them. Also usually attaches to the computer so that when you are online, send emails.

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