Sep 11, 2008

L.H.C.-The Biggest Machine That The Human Had Ever Made

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The LHC, built by CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, was made with the intent of replicating on a small scale the Big Bang and the first moments of the universe. Critics fear that the experiment could cause the creation of a black hole, and thus eviscerate all life on the planet Earth. The majority of the scientific community, however, rejects these fears as being highly unlikely

The Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest particle accelerator complex. Its main purpose is to explore the validity and limitations of the Standard Model.The Large Hadron Collider was built by the CERN.It is under the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva.It is funded and built in collaboration with over eight thousand physicists from over eighty-five countries as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories.The LHC is the world's largest and the highest-energy particle accelerator.Its final operating temperature of approximately one lack times more than the sun's coreAmong the aims of the biggest experiment of all time: to isolate the elusive Higgs boson, or 'God particle', which gives the matter in the universe its mass. As Cox put it, with his gift for user-friendly terms, that really means: why is this table solid?This machine will probably bring unexpected results that could turn particle physics on its head.The "Higgs" would explain how particles acquire mass, and some particles are more massive than others.

Superconducting magnets cooled close to absolute zero -- the chill of deep space -- will then steer the beams so that they converge inside four chambers, like racing cars in a chicane.Some protons are bound to collide, and subatomic wreckage from the smashup will fly into the detectorsleaving a calling-card trace of their identity.Over the years in which will the LHC will operate, masses of data will spew from these collisions and will be closely scrutinised by universities and laboratories around the world.The Holy Grail will be finding a particle, called the Higgs Boson after British physicist Peter Higgs, who devised the theory of its existence in 1964.

The idea is that these particles exist in a sort of invisible background field. Other particles passing through the Higgs field would acquire mass, like feathers passing through treacle.Another big challenge will be testing the theory of supersymmetry, which postulates that the members of the known bestiary of sub-atomic particles have related, but more massive, counterparts.

Such particles could explain the unsettling discovery of recent years that visible matter only accounts for some four percent of the Universe. Enigmatic phenomena called dark matter and dark energy account for the rest.Before the startup, Internet-driven rumours said the LHC would create black holes or a nasty hypothetical particle called a strangelet that would gobble up the planet.CERN has commissioned a panel to verify its calculations that such risks are, by any reasonable thinking, impossible. France too has carried out its own safety probe.


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