After the great run of Moto G, Motorola Mobility introduces its new Moto X, Android smartphone in India which will be exclusively available through Flipkart. Per the latest update, the price of the Motorola Moto X smarthone is from Rs 23,999 which is quite reasonable considering its features. The main highlight of the Moto X smartphone is the Kitkat OS, Active Display and the Google Now app which responds to every question you ask.
Coming to the specifications of Moto X Android phone, it comes powered with a 1.7Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Processor, dedicated quad core Adreno 320 GPU for graphics process, another single core for contextual computing and one for the Active listening which makes 8 core each works for dedicated process. The new X8 core computing offers better performance and battery backup. The smartphone comes with 4.7-inch AMOLED HD corning gorilla display which is scratch proof. Other features including 2GB ram, 4G Lte support, 16GB or 32 GB storade, 10 MP rear camera with HDR support, 2 MP front camera, 2070 mAH battery etc.
Motorola's new Moto X runs the latest Android OS - kitkat which offers the customers the complete smartphone experience. Other features include the Active display and Touchless control that makes the users a better way to manage the smartphone. With Active display , users can gather information which is quietly appears on the screen so that you don't always need to check your phone. Touchless control makes customers to do any taks without even touching the hone. With just a little training in a quiet room, your Moto X learns to recognize your voice. You just have to say: "OK Google Now" and give it a command. Sounds simple, because it is.
Moto X smartphone comes available in 2 models - 16GB and 32GB. It will be initially available in black and white colors. The smartphone comes available at a starting price of 24K in India. From the first impressions, its quite a good smartphone in its class.
Moto X Smartphone Specifications at a glance
- 4.7" AMOLED (RGB) / 720p HD
- 3G/4G LTE support
- Corning Gorilla Glass
- 1.7Ghz Processor Snapdragon Process
- 2 GB RAM
- 16GB/32GB storage
- Quad-core Adreno 320 GPU
- 10MP Rear Camera and 2MP Front Camera
- Active Licesening and Touchless control support
- Google Android Kitkat OS
Tags: Motorola, Lenovo Moto X, Moto Android phone, Kitkat smartphone, Kitkat version, Moto X Specifications, Moto X Smartphone Price in India, Moto X Review, Moto X smartphone review, Moto X Android Kitkat bugs, Moto X Smartphone complaints, Moto X smartphone bugs, Moto X smartphone updates.
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