Samsung India introduced its new netbook model - Samsung NC110 which comes with the buil-in 3G option. This all new Samsung NC110 is the country's first 3G ready netbook and this Samsung NC110 netbook will be available via Croma retail stores exclusively for a price of Rs. 21,500. Below are the specification details and features of the new Samsung NC110 3G netbook.
Samsung NC110 3G Netbook sports a 10.1-inch display and is powered with an Intel processor along with a 6600mAh battery that offers up to 10 hours of battery life. This 3G-nebook brings Fast Start feature which allows the users to instantaneously boot the netbook from the sleep mode. The Samsung NC110 netbook comes pre-installed with the Windows 7 started Operating system. Other standard features of this Samsung NC110 3G netbook includes built-in webcamera, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, a chiclet keyboard, Sleep-and-charge USB, and Bluetooth 3.0.
Tags: Samsung, netbook, 3G netbook, NC110, NC110 3G netbook, Samsung 3G netbook, 3G netbook in India, Samsung NC110 3G specifications, Samsung NC110 3G netbook review, Samsung NC110 3G in India, Samsung NC110 3G netbook prices in India, Samsung NC110 3G Netbook details, Samsung NC110 3G netbook release, Launch.
how it is different from n100 except for 3G ( costing 10,000.snjyk-