Apple has just rolled out its new version of the MacBook Air notebooks based on the latest Intel Sandy Bridge Proessors. The new notebooks will comes in 11.6-inch and 13.3-inch displays and gets the Intel Huron River platform which take the advantage of the use of Intel’s Sandy-Bridge Core i5/i7 dual-core processors. The Apple 2011 Series of the MacBook Air all arrived with Mac OS X Lion pre-loaded and the 11.6-inch version starting at the price of $999 while the 13.3-inch Apple Macbook Air model starting at $1599.
Coming to the specifications, the new Apple MacBook Air notebook comes with a 0.68-inch thick. The new mini also packs new dedicated graphics card and the Thunderbolt I/O interface. The Apple Macbook AIr 2011 arrives with the option of a 64GB, 128GB or 256GB Solid State drive, an Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics card and up to 4GB of RAM. It arrives with Wireless Internet connectivity (WiFi 802.11b/g/n), Bluetooth 4.0, a FaceTime webcam and a battery that delivers up to 5 hours of battery life to the 11.6-inch model and up to 7 hours of battery life to the 13.3-inch model.
Tags: Apple, Macbook, Air, Apple Air, Macbook Air, Apple latest Laptops, Latest Macbook notebooks, 11.6-inch macbook, 13.3-inch Macbook, Core-i5 laptop, Core-i7 Macbook Laptop, Apple MacBook Air Notebook specifications, Intel Sandy Bridge Macbook, Apple MacBook Air Features, Apple MacBook Air Prices.
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